Thursday, September 28, 2006

The One Percent Solution

Okay, so you want to make some changes in your life whether it be physical, mental or spiritual. But when you look at the big picture you feel overwhelmed. Maybe you want to loose 50 pounds, look great for a reunion, interview for a new job, start on that exercise plan you've been putting off or really commit to meditating.

We all have things that we know would be great for us and make us feel better about ourselves long term. But sometimes the big picture can be down right depressing -- it seems as if the goal we set is just too big or too far away.

But tackling some big areas in our lives is really about small day to day changes -- the one percent solution. Commit to doing something today that is one percent better than what you did yesterday. You'll be surprised how much this adds up and pretty soon some amazing changes have taken place. And what's more the one percent keeps compounding so that a few weeks, months or a year from now your entire life has taken on a new wonderful direction.

Making massive changes or commitments may be hard. But one percent, well, that's certainly doable.


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